
Showing posts from May, 2016

Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within


Bachpan...everyone remember  about their childhood,all masti and  dhamaal.....childhood  is so spe cial  and pure.... when you was a kid you all had fone so much fun,...right every chid does that .when small kids does shatanies snd naughtiness  we allow them for sometimes because at that time we relive our childhood  eith them..all sweet memories  and playing chupan chupai..,posam par, ready,pittuk,all these kinds of games gives us the pure and love blessed  memories when we are grown Up we just think about money,time limit,compe titions and with alll these no value  things we forget ourselves that who we are and what we are doing,for what we are chasing  time just for money, name...ok all these things are important in everyone's  life but not at the cost of happ iness , pease and family...i think so everyone  when they are gr own  up  should enjoy each and every mom ent  like  like a small kid without  any boundaries  and time limit then you would  never feel that you want peac

Late night study


Late night studies

Late night studies  ....when this word comes on my mind i think of a full glass or mug of tea  or coffee, lots and lots of  tension,big big books and writing  notebook and pen....its not good to study at night since night are the natural medicine  for our brain and if our brain do not get rest....the next whole day will be terribly  effected....a normal person should get at least  7 to  8 hours of sleep.when u do the studies whole night  n prepare  for exams think that you are studying  really well and exam is going to be superv but what happens in the exam you forgot  every it is advisable to give rest your brain,,,,for this you can listion good music,sit alone and talk to yourself,know about yourself....go in flashback n keep smiling i know it' sounds stupid  when some one ask you to do all these things but it really works...lets put all nervousness  and tension  in the garbage  and refresh our minds..


We get so many information from this tv so-called television, idiot box,idiot box and many more names are given to tv....its up to us that how we want to use any technology. machine forces us to miss use it...then I don't know why many people blame tv as the affecting element for lives. I myself spend a lot of time with is gives me smile, information, ideas towards life..., the joy of life... I just want to say that everything which exists in this world has two sides but it's up to you which side you want to prefer in your life...


What are exams....the questions paper given in exam to solve,or the exam that we give in  answer sheets, till now I really don,t understand  what are exams ...since in every moments  of our life we exams to prove ourselves to others,when we go out we see how people  think about us so basically  only mugging  up n giving written paper is not said to be the if  someone gets fewer marks in these answer sheets where you can only write the same thing which everyone is writing  on their own words. So write something new which can save many people s life and aware them about the goodness of our life.