
Showing posts from May, 2023

Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within

The Wood's Dispatch 1854

The Woods Dispatch, also known as the Despatch on Education, was a historic document presented by Sir Charles Wood, the then President of the Board of Control of the British East India Company, in 1854. The Despatch on Education was a memorandum that outlined the framework for the development of education in India. The Woods Dispatch encouraged the creation of a system of education that was a blend of traditional Indian education and Western education. The Despatch outlined three main principles of education in India - the establishment of a decentralized system of education, the promotion of mass education, and the incorporation of local languages in education. The Woods Dispatch had a significant impact on the development of education in India and laid the foundation for the educational system in the country. It led to the expansion of schools and colleges across the country, and the promotion of education among all sections of society. The Despatch also emphasized the importance of

The Maratha Kingdom

The Important Role Of Marathas In India Independence Struggle. The Maratha Empire played an important role in India's struggle for independence from British rule. The empire, which had existed prior to British colonial rule,was a significant force in India until the 19th century. The Maratha Kingdom was instrumental in resisting the early attempts of British expansion and dominance in India. In the 18th century, the Marathas under the leadership of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had a strong sense of national identity and pride, which was based on their rich cultural heritage. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Marathas rose to power and established a strong hold over the Indian subcontinent, which threatened the British colonial government. The Maratha leaders, such as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Baji Rao I, fought against the British and resisted their attempts to impose their rule. Later, during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Maratha leaders played a vital role in drivi

Important National Books regarding India's Independence Struggle .

Here are some important national books and authors during India's Independence: 1. The Discovery ofIndia by Jawaharlal Nehru: It isconsidered Nehru's magnum opus and was written during his imprisonment in 1942-46. The book gives an overview of India's history, culture, spirituality, and philosophies. 2. The Indian Struggle by Subhash Chandra Bose is considered as one of the most important book it  provides the insights into the history, culture, and philosophy of India. 2. Hind Swaraj by Mahatma Gandhi: This book offers an alternative vision of India's independence movement, advocating for peaceful resistance and non-violent protests. 3. An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mahatma Gandhi: This book is considered an important reflection on the life and beliefs of Gandhi, offering insight into his philosophy of non-violence and civil disobedience. 4. India Wins Freedom by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: Written by one of India's most prominent Muslim

Important National Movements Of India's Indipendence 1947. #UPSC

The Indian National Movement was a series of political, social, and economic struggles aimed at ending British colonial rule in India. Some important movements that played a critical role in India's struggle for independence are: 1. Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-22): Led by Mahatma Gandhi , this movement urged Indians to boycott British goods, institutions, and laws. It was a peaceful protest against British . crucial role in India's struggle for independence are as follows: 1. Non-Cooperation Movement: Launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920 , the movement aimed to boycott British goods and institutions and promote Indian products. The movement gained momentum across the country but was called off after the Chauri Chaura incident. 2. Civil Disobedience Movement: Started in 1930, the movement aimed to challenge British laws by breaking them through non-violent protests. It included the famous Salt Satyagraha led by Gandhi, in which people violated the salt laws and made their own s

Why is Buddhism is less popular in India

There are several reasons why Buddhism is less popular in India, despite having originated there.  1. Revival of Hinduism: After the decline ofBuddhism in India in the 12th century, Hinduism experienced a revival under the Gupta Empire. This led to a cultural renaissance of Hinduism and a consequent decline in Buddhism. 2. Cultural and linguistic barriers: Buddhism wasthe Mauryan Empire, Hinduism experienced a revival under the Gupta Empire. This led to a decline in Buddhism's popularity as it was viewed as a rival religion. Hinduism became the dominant religion of India, and Buddhism faced significant opposition from it. 2. Islamic Conquest: In the 7th century, Islamic conquests began in India, which led to the destruction of many Buddhist monasteries and temples. Many Buddhists were forced to convert to Islam, and this significantly impacted Buddhism's popularity in India. 3. Buddhist Scriptures Written in Pali: The Buddhist scriptures were written in Pali, a language that wa

चौसठ योगिनी मंदिर जबलपुर

भारत के इतिहास की बात की जाए तो इनमें सबसे पहले यहां के सांस्कृतिक विरासत एवं धरोहरों की खूबसूरत बनावट, नक्काशी एवं कला की तरफ ध्यान जाता है। ट्रैवल ट्राइंगल की एक रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, भारत देश में कुल 96 करोड़ हिंदुओं की आबादी के बीच 20 लाख से ज्यादा मंदिर हैं। सबसे ज्यादा करीब तीन लाख मंदिर तमिलनाडु में हैं।  पूरे भारत में कुल चार चौसठ योगिनी मंदिर हैं। जिनमें से 2 मंदिर ओडिशा के हीरापुर और रानीपुर गाँव में है और बांकी के 2 मध्यप्रदेश के मुरैना और खजुराहो में सदियों से मौजूद है। लेकिन मध्य प्रदेश के मुरैना में स्थित चौसठ योगिनी मंदिर सबसे प्राचीन और रहस्यमयी है। भारत के सभी चौसठ योगिनी मंदिरों में यह इकलौता मंदिर है जो अभी तक बिल्कुल वैसा ही है जैसा कि प्राचीन भारत में था।  इतिहास के पन्नों से..... इतिहासकारो के अनुसार भेड़ाघाट स्थित चौसठ योगिनी मंदिर का निर्माण 10वी शताब्दी में हुआ। यह मंदिर त्रिपुरी के कलचुरि वंश के राजा युवराज द्वितीय द्वारा बनवाया गया था,चौसठ योगिनी मंदिर में कुल 150 सीढ़ियां हैं। इतिहासकारों के अनुसार मंदिर के सैनटोरियम में गोंड रानी दुर्गावती की मंदिर की यात्रा