
Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within

📍Countries bordering south china sea

🚨The countries claims EEZ{Exclusive Economic Zone} at South China Sea 🔵The 9 dash line claimed by china (1912-1949) 📌In southeren part - beyound  200nm EEZ 📍{China ,Taiwan,Veitnam,the Philippines,Brunei {under article 55 of the UNCLOS } 🚀Largest part claimed by - Taiwan 🚀Veitnam {most of it is covered } 🔵The countries sharing the borders with South China Sea 👉From clockwise direction.. 💡Taiwan{north) 💡The Phllippines(east) 💡Malaysia(south-east) 💡Veitnam(west) 💡Brunei(south-east) 🚨China(north west)

The Delhi Declaration

🖋️The Delhi Declaration 5 Major highlights 👉Strong and sustainable growth. 👉Accelerating Progress on SDGs. 👉Green development 👉Multilatetal Institutions for the 21st     century. 👉Reviving Global Cooperation. 🚨Major issues to counter 🔆 Counter terrorism. 🔆 It commits to Support Financial Action Task Force {FATF} It's the same "watchdog" which have put Pakistan on its grey list. 🔆 Regulating , supervising, and overseeing the cripto markets. 🔆Climate Change - Urging all countries to follow "Paris Agreement" , 2℃ Would be a blessing says the experts. 🚩Is Delhi Declaration better then other climate change. 👉here are the three reasons ✅1st time G20 has talked about trippling the renewal energy by 2030 globally. ✅It us the 1st document which highleted about Fossil subsidies. ✅Huge increments in billions to trillions in "Climate Finances". 🖋️1st session "One Earth One Family" has already done. 🖋️2nd is on the floor that is

Tricks to remember Sea boundring Countries....

✴️ Counties surrounding Red Sea   🚩Trick :  Dessey loves red roses ✴️ Counties   ⭕ D jibouti ⭕ E ritrea ⭕ S udan ⭕ S outhi  Arabia ⭕ E gypt ⭕ Y emen ✴️ Countries surrounding Caspian Sea 🚩Trick  :  Katrina needa Cash 💸 💲 Ka zakhstan, 💲 Tu rkmenistan, 💲 I ra n 💲 A zerbaijan 💲 R ussia 🚨 Countries Surrounding Black Sea 🚩trick: BRO U R GreaT at Black market ✴️ Bulgaria ✴️Romania ✴️Ukrain ✴️ Russia ✴️ Georgia ✴️Turkey 🚨 Countries boundring Afghanistan  🚩Trick : Afghan Pari TUT Gai ✴️ Pakistan ✴️Iran ✴️ Turkmenistan ✴️ Uzbekistan ✴️ Tazakistan 🚨 Islands in Pacific Ocean 🚨From east to west  ✴️ Galapagos ✴️ Hawai ✴️Cook ✴️Samoa ✴️Kiribati ✴️Fiji ✴️New Caledonia ✴️ Solomon

The Youngest advocate of sustainability

Image source : Google. 🚩At this very young age she has contributed so much for our planet. 🔆Moksha Roy has been awarded the most prestigious "The Point of light" award for volunteering for a United Nations sustainability initiative against microplastic pollution. 👉 She is now recognized as the world's youngest sustainability advocate. 📍The British Prime Minister  point of light award is a national honour given to outstanding volunteers who are making a difference in their communities. 📍This award was created in 2010 by then Prime Minister #DavidCameron . 🚩The only qualification for this award is that the nominee must be making a significant contribution to their community through volunteering. 🚩 it recognises people of from "all walks of life" awarded to all age groups from young childrens to Senior citizens. 🚩The nominations for this award can be made by anyone and they are accepted year around.

🚩"An urgent need for discussion"


"The Nations Pride is in Danger"


🚩Right to Equality (Articles 14 - 18)🚩

🔱The right to equality under the Indian Constitution provides the right to the citizen of India to be treated equally in other words  every individual should be  treated eqally before the law. It prevents discrimination on various grounds, treats everybody as equals in matters of public employment and abolishes untouchability, and titles (such as Sir, Rai Bahadur, etc.) 🚩#The Fundamental Right to Equality is related to :-  👉1. Equality before Law💡 (Article 14), 👉 2. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex, or Place of Birth💡 (Article 15),  👉3. Equal Opportunity in matters of Public Employment 💡(Article 16),  👉4. Abolition of Untouchability 💡 (Article 17),  👉5. Abolition of Titles💡(Article 18).