
Showing posts from February, 2022

Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within

The Cast System

Hindu" the word itself reflects the rich culture, tradition, festivals and how we can forget "the cast systems". "If hidus migrate to other regions on earth ,cast would become a world problem" The famous quote written by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. {Statesman,Civil Right Leader and Author of India's Constitution} Hindu is not just a religion or a particular community it is the symbol of brotherhood from the Iraninan inscription the word hindu was sindu as Sindh as Hind . According to this inscription we got the word Sindh because the Aryans were living by the side of the river named sindh and due to the linguistic change after the coming of many tribes such as Munda . The alphabet S became H   in Iraninan. the word Hindu occurred in 5th to 6th centuries BC. The real meaning of the word Hindu is a territorial unit. It neither indicates a religion nor a community. But today it took a total different meaning and as a result we got the partition between Hindus and Musl

विश्वास .....


We are the youth

“We need education We need employment We need Sustainable Future We need clean and green India We all want opportunities” We are witnessing that there are only 1 % vacancy over 70% aspirants. Then some very wise people say that today's youth doesn't care about the nationalism but they should also think about that the degree holder is unwillingly doing a peon job and if he decides to go foreign for earning and working with dignity so what's wrong in it. Before opening their mouth they should open their mind too.

मनोज अग्रवाल भारत का वो नया चेहरा जिसने अपने एक आईडिया से दुनियाभर के वैज्ञानिकों को अचरज में डाल दिया।

भारत के इस जीनियस छात्र का नाम है मनोज अग्रवाल जिसने करोड़ों रुपये के ऑफर को इसलिए त्याग दिया ताकि वे भारत के हर उम्र के मरीज़ों की नज़र वापस ला सके।     image source :- google उनके इस नए तरीके की खोज के लिए उन्हें शीर्ष मेडिकल पुरुस्कार से नवाजा गया। इतनी कम उम्र में इतनी कमाल की सोच रखने वाले इस भारतीय वैज्ञानिक को हमारा सलाम। All india news की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार  2020 की बसंत में यूरोपियन ऑप्थेल्मोलॉजी कांग्रेस के वार्षिक अधिवेशन में एक बहुत ही अविश्वसनीय घटना हुई। पूरे हॉल में उपस्थित विशेषज्ञों ने 10 मिनट तक स्पीच दे रहे उस लड़के को खड़े होकर सम्मान दिया। इस लड़के का नाम था मनोज अग्रवाल और यह एक भारत का मेडिकल छात्र था। इसी लड़के ने अंधेपन से बचाव के लिए नज़र वापस लाने का एक अनोखा फॉर्मूला इजाद किया था। इस रिपोर्ट के अनुसार दुनिया के सवश्रेष्ठ शोधकर्ताओं ने मनोज के इस बेमिसाल आईडिया को अमल में लिया है। तथा इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ ऑप्थेल्मोलॉजी और मेडिकल रिसर्च के दूसरे संस्थानों के विशेषज्ञ भी इस दवा के विकास में शामिल हुए। यह नई दवा अभी तक बहुत अच्छे परिणाम दे रही है। #इस रिपोर्ट

Google awarded Rs65 crore to the Indian Techie Aman Pandey

Google awarded an indore-based techie Aman Pandey with a huge amount of Rs65 crores for finding vulnerability in the Chrome and Android . For keeping Android and chrome more safe from the bugs. image source :- Google He was awarded under the category of Vulnerability Reward Program(VRP)2021. It has become a boon for the young techies to earn,get fame as well as to improve their skills in this field. I think that companies like G oogle, Microsoft should appoint the freshers to train them as a bug finder and also to make them employed. This will also reduce some stress on the employment conditions of India. Around half of the youths in India are unemployed . This is mainly due to education system which only produces degree holders and not the Industry ready youth. When ever a fresher get a degree he knocks doors to doors for finding a job. Some tries to find their luck in competitive exams and when they all get tired and hopeless they shift towards the job which they n

Why do most people feel discouraged when learning something new?

It mostly happened with a beginners. The most important thing you should understand is that your mind is not a supercomputer who can read and write everything at one go. Your mind needs to be set up with the new information so that it could understand the process. Many begginers just focus on the fast result. Like the 2 minute Maggy process. And when they found no results according to their expectations they quit and feel discouraged. My only advice us that new things needs time and without that you can't achieve anything.

What is Underfueling?

Underfueling is a form of anxiety and the form of physical as well as mental stress that impacts health and training of a sportsman in a negative way. (From the source of Signs of Underfueling Moderate: Constant hunger Fatigue, low energy levels Irritability Intense cravings, or constant focus on food Trouble sleeping Hunger pangs during workouts Gastrointestinal (GI) distress Muscle cramps or weakness Severe: Hypothermia (cold intolerance) Stress fractures Changes in, or complete loss of, a regular menstrual cycle (for women) Significant weight loss The following fueling tips are general, catered to the average population. To understand your individual needs, consult with a sports dietitian. Eat before exercising, especially for high intensity workouts and long runs Eat during exercise if the workout exceeds 60-75 minutes (I generally recommend fueling every 35-40 minutes) Eat after exercising, a recovery meal or snack, followed by another meal or snack within a few

Morning Messages🌄😊🌷

❤️ when you smile,my heart smiles too,       The dark nights,go brighter too,        And the sun keeps smiling with you...         My mornings gets a Goodmorning!!!            only with you.... ❤️ Wishing you the morning filled with               love,joy and happiness...         Good morning!!! my dear ❤️ After the beautiful sleep,it's time to              wake-up, it's time for healthy mackup       The mackup filled with healthy life and         Beautiful thought.Goodmorning!!!          My dear ......😊🤗         ❤️Your smile is the reason to wake-up      Early morning , to make my day more      Awesome....Goodmorning!!!          My dear ......😊🤗 ❤️ the cup of tea and your smile is the               perfect combination to make my day            more brighter😊Goodmorning!!!          My dear ......😊🤗 ❤️ the day becomes more brighter and             lighter😊when I take a sip of tea          With your brighting smile😊          Goodmorning!!!My dear😊🤗 ❤️ Life feels great