Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within

The Cast System

Hindu" the word itself reflects the rich culture, tradition, festivals and how we can forget "the cast systems".

"If hidus migrate to other regions on earth ,cast would become a world problem"

The famous quote written by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. {Statesman,Civil Right Leader and Author of India's Constitution}

Hindu is not just a religion or a particular community it is the symbol of brotherhood from the Iraninan inscription the word hindu was sindu as Sindh as Hind . According to this inscription we got the word Sindh because the Aryans were living by the side of the river named sindh and due to the linguistic change after the coming of many tribes such as Munda . The alphabet S became H  in Iraninan. the word Hindu occurred in 5th to 6th centuries BC. The real meaning of the word Hindu is a territorial unit. It neither indicates a religion nor a community.

But today it took a total different meaning and as a result we got the partition between Hindus and Muslims.

We always criticize the Britishers for the separation of People on their cast bases as Hindustan for hindus and Pakistaan for Muslims. But why we forget that it was a massive movement of many families and their belongings. Many families were separated from each other many loosed everything. And in today's era we are facing the same issue not as separation of two countries but now "the devide and rule policy" has been seeded by our so called Leaders who called them as the world changer. It will be not surprising if one day we witness the diversions as Half Hindu Indians and Half Muslims Indians.

We should live with the unity and should follow only one religion that is "Humanity"

It took 1000 years to overcome the system of cast problems.

At the top of the hierarchy there were the Brahmins who were mainly priests, teachers and intellectuals and are believed to have come from Brahma's head . This is the reason why they were called as supreams above all cast.

  Then came the Kshatriyas, or the warriors and rulers, supposedly from his arms and they were mostly the representative of the heroic personality in wars . 

The third slot went to the Vaishyas, or the traders, who were created from his thighs.

 At the bottom of the heap were the Shudras, who came from Brahma's feet and did all the menial jobs.

Now if we come to the point what if the most of  hindus move to diffrent foreign countries. Their cast system will also follow them if half of the hindu population will move to abroad. 

"The Expat Insider 2021" survey by InterNations has answered a question that remains on most people’s minds: Why do Indians move abroad?

According to the survey, 59% of Indians working abroad relocated for their career, a much higher share than the global average (47%). Close to one-quarter (23%) found a job on their own, 19% were recruited internationally, and 14% were sent by their employer. Just 3% moved abroad to start their own business, which is still a slightly higher share than the global average of 2%.

Now you may ask that what is cast Apartheid?

So the answer is that the word "Caste" itself stems from the spanish and Portuguese "casta", which means "race,lineage, or breed. " It was applied by white colonials during the 17th century C.E. to refer to the system of social codification they witnessed existing in South Asia. The native terms for Caste are often "varna(Caste Group)" and "jati(caste)". Each caste group encompasses within it several individual castes varying in cultural and social practices, and who are limited from structural power by their placement within the pyramid.

Caste  apartheid is the system of religiously codified exclusion that was established in Hindu  scriptures. Hindu origin myths state that different people were created from different parts of God Brahma's body as mentioned above and were to be ranked hierarchically according to ritual status,purity, and occupation. By this system, everyone at birth, is ranked with a caste. Crucially,caste is inherited from the family one is born into and is unalterable throughout that person's life.


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