The Jaishankar Doctrine: Inside his Mind

The Jaishankar Doctrine: Inside his Mind | The India Way" describes the strategic mindset and policy of Dr. S. Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister of India.  Strategic Autonomy: Emphasis on India's Independent Foreign Policy. Balancing the relationships with major powers, especially the US, Russia, and China. Neighborhood First: Focus on strengthening ties with neighboring countries. Fostering regional cooperation and enhancing connectivity. Act East Policy: Strengthening engagement with Southeast Asia and East Asia. Fostering economic and strategic alliances. Global South Leadership: Championing the causes of developing nations. Strengthening South-South cooperation. Multilateralism: Engagement in international organizations is imperative. Promoting a rules-based international order. Economic Diplomacy: Harnessing economic connections to bolster strategic objectives. Promoting trade, investment, and technology partnerships. These factors highlight Dr. Jaishankar's p

Black Sea Grain Initiative




ü The Black Sea Grain Initiative, signed in Istanbul on 22 July 2022, has been extended.

ü The Initiative allows for the facilitation of the safe navigation for the exports of grain and related foodstuffs and fertilizers, including ammonia, from designated Ukrainian seaports.

ü During the first two terms, some 25 million metric tones of grain and foodstuffs have been moved to 45 countrieshelping to bring down global food prices and stabilizing the markets.   

 The Initiative specifically allows for commercial food and fertilizer (including ammonia) exports from three key Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea –

Ø Odesa,

Ø Chornomorsk,

Ø Yuzhny/Pivdennyi

  • why it is called black sea initiative?

It is called black sea initiative because the countries involved in this initiative are the black sea bordered countries.

  • what is JCC?

The Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) was established to monitor the implementation of the Initiative. The Joint Coordination Centre is hosted in Istanbul and includes representatives from  Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Nations. The UN acts also as the Secretariat for the Centre.

  • What has been shipped?


51 %



Sunflower meal 


Sunflower oil 




The Black Sea Grain Initiative benefits :

  1. Calm markets.
  2. Safeguard against price spikes.
  3. Stabilize the world’s food supply

International Rules of Passage through Sea:



  • Geographical Location of Black Sea:

ü The Black Sea is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by two narrow straits, the Bosporus, which opens to the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), and the Dardanelles Strait (Strait of Gallipoli), which connects to the Aegean Sea. From there, the Suez Canal through the Red Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar provide access to the major shipping lanes of the world's oceans.

ü The Istanbul Canal is a canal planned by the Turkish government for shipping. It is to run parallel to the Bosporus in the western part of Istanbul and connect the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara.


ü The Black Sea, also known as the Euxine Sea, is one of the major water bodies and a famous inland sea of the world.

ü This marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, located between Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

ü It is surrounded by the Pontic, Caucasus, and Crimean Mountains in the south, east and north respectively.

ü The Turkish straits system - the Dardanelles, Bosporus and Marmara Sea - forms a transitional zone between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

ü The Black Sea is also connected to the Sea of Azov by the Strait of Kerch.

ü The bordering countries of Black Sea are: Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

ü The Turkish straits system - the Dardanelles, Bosporus and Marmara Sea - forms a transitional zone between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

  • Anoxic Water :


v There is a significant absence of oxygen in the water.

v The Black Sea is the largest meromictic body of water in the world, which means there is no mixing of the layers of the water body. Unlike most other seas, surface water does not mix with deep water in the Black Sea. Oxygen is only present in the uppermost layers of water, where it enables an abundance of marine life. Below a depth of about 150 m, oxygen is no longer present and is therefore uninhabitable for higher organisms.

v The anoxic condition is also caused due to the presence of the process of Eutrophication in the sea.



Q. Black sea which is a landlocked sea between eastern Europe and Asia . Which strait connects Mediterranean sea to black sea.

ü ANS.  The Black Sea is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by two narrow straits, the Bosporus, which opens to the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), and the Dardanelles Strait (Strait of Gallipoli), which connects to the Aegean Sea. From there, the Suez Canal through the Red Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar provide access to the major shipping lanes of the world's oceans.


ü Source : united nations website, unctad  and THE HINDU

ü for more details you can visit





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