
Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within

Africa Asia Growth Corridor {AAGC}

🚩 1/07/2023🚩 image source : AAGC ✴️AAGC ✅It stands for Africa Asia Growth Corridor Program ✅It is a study jointly produced by the Research Institutions of India and Japan in consultation with other Asian and African " Think Tanks ". ✅It envisages the close engagement between India and Africa for "Sustainable and Innovative development which will be anchored on four pillers. ⚜️Development Coperation Projects. ⚜️Quality Infrastructure and Institutional Connectivity. ⚜️Enhancing Capacities and skills. ⚜️People to people Partnership. ✴️ Special Focus on the Africa,India, South east asia ,east asia and oceania. 📝Q.2 What is India -Africa Summit? How many times it has happened and why it has not been held after the 3rd summit . ✅India-Africa Summit is a forum to re-initiate and reboot relation between India and African countries. ✅Till now 3 summits has been organised they are:- 👉1. Started from 2008 with  New Delhi as its 1st venue. 👉2. Second w

Palindaba treaty and ITEC

✴️Palindaba Treaty✴️ 👉It stands for African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty. 👉It stablishes a nuclear weapon free zone in africa. 👉The treaty was signed in 1996 and came into effect in july 2009. 👉It aims at preventing nuclear proliferation and preventing strategic minerals of Africavfrom being exported fully. 👉The NPT non signatories member parties are prohibited to come in bilateral agreements. 👉In 2016 Nambia critisized the treaty of palindaba for disallowing Namibia to trade Uranium to India because India is not a member of NPT. ✴️NPT👉Non Proliferation Treaty is an intergovernmental treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapon and weapons technology. 📝Q. 4 what is  ITEC ? ✅ ITEC is the Indian Technical Economic Program.which was instituted by a decision of the Indian Cabinet on 15th sep 1964 as a bilateral program of assistance of the government of India. 👉Purpose- It was set up in belief that "It is necessary to establish relation of mu

✴️🚩United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).👉

🚩What do you understand by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). ✅The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was established in order to make the world a place without the dangers of Drug Abuse and the crimes following it. ✅It was formed in 1997 as the Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention by combining two UN offices. ✅It was renamed to its current name in 2002. ✅It was established chiefly to aid the United Nations in addressing the issues of illicit drug trafficking, drug abuse, prevention of crime and criminal justice, political corruption and international terrorism, in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. ✅ Functions-  Research and Policy Analysis 👉World Drug Report 👉Surveys to Monitor Illicit Crops 👉Regional Crime Studies  👉Policy Reviews ✅Normative Activities [Conventions] 👉Anti-Drug Conventions 👉Conventions against Organized Crime [UNTOC] 👉Conventions against Corruption [UNCAC] 🚩Some extra bites 🚩 ✴️Colombo Declaration✴️ 🔱In 2016, 18

🚩UNHCR(The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees )🚩

🚩What do you understand by UNHCR?write in 150 words. 👉UNHCR(The United Nations High    Commissioner for Refugees )is the UN Refugee agency providing the primary support to the refugees to live a dignified life. 👉 objective - to save and build better future for millions of people forced to flee their home. 👉Special occasion -  Recently "The world Refugees Day" was celebrated on 20th june 2023 based on the theam - "Hope Away From Home". 👉Key facts- According to the report of UNHCR Global Trends . Which is published annually has published its report on 14th june 2023  -  ✅around 108.4 million people world wide were forcibly displaced by the end of 2022. ✅60 million people were internally displaced from their origin. ✅5.2 million -Asylum seekers ✅5.2 million in need of international protection. 👉 Population statistics display  ✴️syrian arab republuc - 6.8 million ✴️Ukrain- 5.7 million ✴️ Afghanistan - 5.7 million. 👉Thus It perfectly fits here as “Injustice anywhe

📝Straits of Ukrain

🚩Series of 27/06/2024🚩 📝Straits of Ukrain Image :- new york post ⏭️The Kerch Strait. ✅It is a strait in Eastern Europe. It connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov,  ✅separating the Kerch Peninsula of Crimea in the west from the Taman Peninsula of Russia's Krasnodar Krai in the east. ✅ The strait is 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) to 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) wide and up to 18 metres (59 ft) deep. ✅The most important harbor, the Crimean city of Kerch, gives its name to the strait, formerly known as the Cimmerian Bosporus.  ✅It has also been called the Straits of Yenikale after the Yeni-Kale fortress in Kerch.

🚩Nile River🚩

⚜️ Series Question⚜️ ⏭️ What is the origin and drainage point of Nile river. ✴️which festival is cebrated here based on Indian culture? image source :- wikipedia ✴️The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea. ✴️ The Nile is the longest river in Africa and has historically been considered the longest river in the world, though this has been contested by research suggesting that the Amazon River is slightly longer. ✴️Length: 6,650 km ✴️Discharge: 2,830 m³/s ✴️Mouth: Mediterranean Sea ✴️Sources: Blue Nile River, White Nile, Atbarah ✴️Countries: Egypt, Sudan ✴️Cities: Cairo, Khartoum, Jinja, Juba ✴️Bridges: Qasr El Nil Bridge, 6 October Bridge, Jinja Nile Bridge, Imbaba Bridge ✴️ Importance : Every aspect of life in Egypt depended on the river – the Nile provided food and resources, land for agriculture, a means of travel, and was critical in the transportation of materials for building projects and other large-

🚩⚜️Who are PIO and OCI?🚩

🚩 Session of 26/june/2023⤵️ ⚜️Who are PIO and OCI? ✅There are over 30 million overseas Indians living abroad and the remittance of close to 69 billion dollars annually by overseas Indians. They can be categorised in three broad categories - NRIs, PIOs and OCIs. A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) is a citizen of India who has temporarily emigrated to another country for six months. ✅PIOs and OCI card holders are not citizens but people who want to stay connected and involved with India more closely. ✅The PIO card was first implemented in 2002 as a benefit to foreign nationals who could establish at least a third generation tie to Indian origin. ✅The OCI card was implemented in 2005, carried more benefits than the PIO card, and is valid for the holder’s lifetime. 🚩In 2015, the PIO scheme was withdrawn by the Government of India and was merged with the OCI. 🔱Some extra information ⚜️ 👉The Government of India via Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2015 merged the Person of Indian Origin (P