
Showing posts from July, 2023

Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986

 The Dr. D.C. Wadhwa & Ors. vs. State of Bihar & Ors. case of 1986 is a cornerstone in the Indian judicial history, highlighting the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government . The case stemmed from a practice that had become routine for the Bihar government: the re-promulgation of ordinances without legislative approval, a process that Dr. D.C. Wadhwa, an economics professor, found to be a subversion of democratic principles . The Supreme Court's decision in this case was a resounding affirmation of constitutional law and its supremacy over executive convenience. By declaring the practice of re-promulgating ordinances without legislative consent as unconstitutional, the court reinforced the necessity of legislative scrutiny and the impermanence of ordinances, which are meant to be emergency measures, not a backdoor for enacting laws. This landmark judgment serves as a reminder of the importance of checks and balances within

🚩"An urgent need for discussion"


"The Nations Pride is in Danger"


🚩Right to Equality (Articles 14 - 18)🚩

🔱The right to equality under the Indian Constitution provides the right to the citizen of India to be treated equally in other words  every individual should be  treated eqally before the law. It prevents discrimination on various grounds, treats everybody as equals in matters of public employment and abolishes untouchability, and titles (such as Sir, Rai Bahadur, etc.) 🚩#The Fundamental Right to Equality is related to :-  👉1. Equality before Law💡 (Article 14), 👉 2. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex, or Place of Birth💡 (Article 15),  👉3. Equal Opportunity in matters of Public Employment 💡(Article 16),  👉4. Abolition of Untouchability 💡 (Article 17),  👉5. Abolition of Titles💡(Article 18).

🚩Domestic content requirements 🚩🚀

1) Domestic content requirements under India’s National Solar Mission. 2) Corporate tax deductions provided under the SEZ 3) Controversial Section 232 tariffs imposed under the U.S. Trade Expansion Act, 1962. The U.S. had imposed an additional duty of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminium, triggering a series of WTO challenges and unilateral trade responses.  4) India will remove the additional duties, which were retaliatory in nature, on certain U.S. agricultural imports which had suffered certain collateral damage on account of the Section 232 measures. India will now revert to the currently applied ‘most favoured nation’ (MFN) rate for eight products. In other words, India is only removing the retaliatory duties on these eight products and not offering any preferential concessions on them. The MFN-applied rates would continue to apply to these products. 👉Lesson learnt - A greater use of diplomacy and bilateral negotiations can be more practically useful when adjudicatory outcomes are n

🚩Clean energy ministerial(CEM)🚩🚀

🚩Clean energy ministerial(CEM) is a global coalition of public and private organisation aims to reduce the carbon industrial material . 👉Hosted annually 👉support broad range of clean energy policy and technology for enhancing the human capacity . 👉Was composed on 31st nov 2022. 👉The United states,chile,china,canada, Denmark, European Commision ,India (current hosts), Brazil (upcoming hosts), United Kingdom, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia. 👉Before at formation secretarian of CEM in 2010, was within the US Department of Energy. But in 2016 at the 7th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM7) in San Francisco. 👉Now it has mived forward to launch "CEM 2.0" for effective implementation of its objective and mire oarticipation from other countries. its secretarian moved to IEA(International Energy Agency),In paris 2016.

🚩Indus Water Treaty of 19 sep 1960🚩

🚩Indus water treaty 1960🚩 image source:- wikipedia 👉 It is a water sharing pact between India-Pakistan which was signed in sep 19,1960 brokered by the World Bank. 👉The treaty aimed at the satisfactory utilization of water flow of Indus and its tributaries (Ravi,beas,satluj,jhelam and chenab). 👉Indus(Sindhu)is a transboundary  river of Asia and trans- himalayan river from the source of Mansarover lake . originates from north east of mount Kailash in westeren tibbet. It bends around the Naga Parbat massif,and flows by south to south-west through Pakistan before entering into the Arabian sea near the port city of Karachi. 👉States of provience - Tibattian autonomous region,Gilgit-Baltistan,Khyber paas,Pakhtoonkhawa,Punjab and sindh. 👉This treaty gives the control over the water of three 📍"easteren rivers" 📌Beas(Rohtang la), 📌Ravi(bara bangal,branch of dhauladhar )and  📌satluj (Rakshas tal lake near mansarover and mt. Kailash)with 41 billion m3 of annual wat

🚩Pilot Whales🚩

🚩Pilot whales are the Species of oceanic dolphines known for their strong social bond which belongs to the family of Delphinidae and genus Globicephaka. image source- Ocean research conservation association (Ireland) 📍IUCN status - red list of threatened species "least concern" shedule -3 👉Long finned- they have bulbous type heads and sickle shaped flippers. (Cold water) 👉Short-Tropical and subtropical. 👉Largest family of dolphines after killer whales. 👉NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), estimates their weight upto 5000 pound. 👉they are medium sized whale ranging from 19-25 feet. 👉Naturally they live in a group of 20 Individuals. 👉Mainly found in North Atlantic region . 👉specially spotted in places like -chile,argentina,south africa,australia and new zealand. 👉also have presence in tropicalAnd temperate waters of Indian,Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 👉DDT,Cadmium and mercury can affect their survival. For more details visi

🚩Enforcement Directorate🚩

🚩How you can make  ED as an Effective organization to fulfill its objectives. 👉 Enforcement Directorate (ED) is a multi-diciplinary organization mandated with the investigation of offences if "Money Laundering" and Violations of foreign exchange laws. 👉Wirks under the "Department of Revenue of Ministery of finance. 🔱 Effective measures fir strengthening ED- 👉The "Selective Prosecution" system under FEMA(Foreign exchange management Act,1947) and PMLA(Prevention of Money Laundering,2002) should be solely controlled by ED and not by any political entity. 👉The Extension of Power of ED is needed to be reformed under PMLA,2002 and FEOA,2018 . - One permanent vigilence body for making records and proofs of Investigation until its judgement. 👉The implementation if "Digital Display Board" fir the transperacy in the number cases recorded,running,judged and solved for a better structural system. 👉The role of civil societies - they can act as a &

🚩 Chandrayaan -3🇮🇳 🚩

🚩Chandrayaan 3🚩 image source- wikipedia 🚩LVM has successfully injected "Chandrayaan 3 "  📍in the precise orbit , proving again to be the most reliable heavy-lift vehicle launch by ISRO. 📍Launching date -14th july 2023 at 2:35 PM. 📍Launchpad- Satish Dhawan Space Center (Shriharikota) Andhra Pradesh. 📍Rocket- LVM 3{Launch Vehicle Mark -III} 📍Bus- Chandrayaan 📍 ₹ 650 crore  📍Time duration to reach moon- 42days. 🌟Objective:-  The three main objectives of this ₹615 crore mission is  👉 Safe and soft landing on the Moon,  👉To demonstrate the Rover roving on its surface  👉To study environment in moon 's south pole. 🔱 Constituents:-  🚀The Chandrayaan-3 consists of an indigenous propulsion module (PM), lander module (LM).  🚀The propulsion module will carry the lander (containing the rover) from the EPO around earth to a circular orbit around the moon, at an altitude of 100 km. This module also carries instrument called ‘Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable

🚩Election Commission Manifesto 🚩

🚩 Election Commission Of India's Menifesto 🚩 👉Election Commission- ⚜️Constitution on 25th January 1950. ⚜️It is not concerned with the elections to panchayats ⚜️It is an autonomous constitutional body. ✨ election manifesto is a published document containing declaration of the ideology, intentions, views, policies and programmes of a political party . ✴️ Provisions regarding  Party's Manifesto(expenditure of EC rules and regulations) 👉The Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment/order dated 5th July 2013 has inter alia directed the Election Commission of India to frame guidelines on election manifesto to be included as part of the Model Code of Conduct. ✴️ Directions : 👉Para (77) of the Supreme Court Judgment: 👉the promises in the election manifesto cannot be construed as ‘corrupt practice’ under Section 123 of RP Act, the reality cannot be ruled out that distribution of freebies of any kind, undoubtedly, influences all people. 👉The fountainhead of the powers un

✴️The FP 2030 Parternership ✴️

✴️The FP 2030 Parternership ✴️ - "Family planning and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development" 🔱The family planning 2030 is a global partnership of governments,civil societies , multilateral organization s, doners, Private sectors and recherchers committed for supporting the rights of women and girls in reproductive autonomy.  🔱Target- It aims to ensure the target of 3.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls on the countries by 2030. 👉To ensure the universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services. 🔱Goals includes - 👉Family Planning 👉 Information and 👉 education Integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs. ⚜️India's Family Planning 2030 Vision.  👉Focus Areas: Strategies to overcome teenage childbearing, lack of male participation in awareness programmes, migration and lack of access to contraceptives have been identified as priorities. ⚜️Child marriages remain a cause of concerns for the country.Interesti

🚩The challenges faced by NGT in its effective functioning.🔱

🚩 Assignment of 10/july/2023🚩 ✅The challenges faced by NGT in its effective functioning. 👉The National Green Tribunal (NGT) formed in 2010 under NGT act as a statutory body with an objective of dealing the cases relating to the environmental issues by following the "Principle of natural justice". 👉New Delhi is the Principle place of sitting of tribunals and Bhopal,Kolkata,Pune and chennai shall be the other places for the sitting of the NGT. ✴️Challenges in effective Functioning are - 👉NGT is working only with 6 members instead of 21 zonal benches which are vacant from 2 years till now. 👉Several advocates practicing at the NGT blames the government for vacancies leading to the label given to the NGT as a "Bid to weaken the Institution s" one that should be the vanguard of fight against blind development at the cost of the environment. 👉The advocate disputes are the major problems due to which many cases not even come for hearing at NGT. ✴️The Tribun

🚩The Eastern Ghats hills🚩

🚩The Eastern Ghats can be seen as a collection of low ranges and hills, including the 🔹Erramala, 🔹Nallamala, 🔹Velikonda, and 🔹Palkonda, further southwest, beyond the Krishna River. The Eastern Ghats continue as the 🔹Javadi and 🔹Shevaroy hills to the southwest of Chennai (Madras), where they converge with the Western Ghats. Image source:- textbook ✴️ The sequence from North to South is: Palakonda hills- Javadi hills- Shevaroy hills- Annamalai hills. ✴️Which rivers come from the Eastern Ghats? Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri are its four principal Indian rivers. Jindhagada Peak is the highest peak of eastern ghats.

🚩The Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphine (VGDS)

🚩The Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphine (VGDS) ,Bhagalpur in Bihar is the only dolphine santury in India. Image source: Down to earth.. ✅Deputy conservator of Forest (Wildlife) of the National Chambal Santury Project ,said that Chambal Sanctuary will soon be declared a Dolphin Sanctuary area. A proposal for dolphin sanctuary has been sent to the government for the conservation of the national aquatic animal dolphin.

🔱The Cauvery River🚩

🚩Assignment of 8/july/2023🚩 ✴️The  Cauvery River image source :- google 👉It is known as ‘Ponni’ in Tamil, also known as Ganga of the south, and it is the fourth largest river of southern India. 👉originates at Talakaveri in Coorg District of Karnataka in Brahmagiri Range of hills in the Western ghats at an elevation of 1341 m. 👉 Drains a total area of 81,155 Sq.Kms. of which ➡️34,273 Sq.Kms lies in Karnataka, ➡️43856 Sq.Kms. in Tamilnadu , ➡️2866 Sq.Kms. in Kerala and ➡️160 Sq.Kms in Union Territory of Pondicherry. 👉The Cauvery basin is bounded by 🔹Tungabhadra sub-basin of Krishna basin on the Northern side and 🔹Palar basin on the Southern side. 👉Tributaries of the Cauvery River. 🔱Left Bank: 🔹Harangi, 🔹Hemavati, 🔹Shimsha, 🔹Arkavati. 🔱Right Bank:  Lakshmantirtha, Kabbani, the Suvarnavati, the Bhavani, the Noyil, and the Amaravati joins from the right. ⚜️The river descends from the South Karnataka Plateau to the Tamil Nadu Plains through the S

✴️National Food Security Mission:

✴️National Food Security Mission: 👉It was launched in 2007, as a Central Sector Scheme (CSS) to increase food production and productivity through area expansion and productivity enhancement interventions in rice, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, etc. ⚜️National Food Security Act National Food Security Act, (NFSA) 2013 The basic concept of food security globally is to ensure that all people, at all times, should get access to the basic food for their active and healthy life and is characterized by availability, access, utilization and stability of food. 👉The Act legally entitles upto 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population to receive subsidized foodgrains under Targeted Public Distribution System. About two thirds of the population therefore is covered under the Act to receive highly subsidised foodgrains.

🚩PVTG stands for "Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups.

🚩PVTG stands for "Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups. 👉In India, tribal population makes up for 8.6% of the total population acoording to the 2011 census. 👉The PVTG, as a distinct category, was born out of the observation of the Dhebar Commission in 1973. 👉PVTG are identified as the most vulnerable inhabitants residing in the less developed regions of India. ✴️On which ground PVTG are recognised in India? 👉In 2006, the Government of India renamed the PTGs as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). PVTGs have some basic characteristics - 👉they are mostly homogenous, with a small population, 👉 relatively physically isolated, 👉 absence of written language, relatively simple technology and a slower rate of change etc. ✴️Who recognises PVTG in India? Ministry of Tribal Affairs has implemented the scheme of “Development of PVTGs” which covers 75 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) for their comprehensive socio-economic development. Under the scheme,

🚩National Food Security Act, (NFSA)🚩

🚩NFSA 👉Due to the issue of 'food security' where the lack of foodgrains created the issue at the household at ground level in rural as well as urban areas which was leading to the malnutrition and also unavailability of food to the needyonce urged the Government to address these problems. 👉Through the Public Distribution System and the Targeted Public Distribution System, the government enactment the National Food Security Act, (NFSA) 2013 on July 5, 2013 . 👉It marked a paradigm shift in the approach to food security from welfare to rights based approach. 👉The Act legally entitles upto 75% of the rural population and 50% of the urban population to receive subsidized foodgrains under Targeted Public Distribution System. 👉About two thirds of the population therefore is covered under the Act to receive highly subsidized foodgrains. 👉 As a step towards women empowerment, the eldest woman of the household of ✴️age 18 years or above is mandated to be the ✴️head of the ho

🚩 zoological survey of india🚩

🚩 zoological survey of india🚩 👉The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI),  is a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Environment and Forests . 👉 established in 1916. 👉It is a national centre for faunistic survey and exploration of the resources leading to the advancement of knowledge on the exceptionally rich faunal diversity of the country. 👉H.Q. - Kolkata and 16 regional stations located in different geographic locations of the country.

✴️Botanical Survey of India (BSI)

🚩Assignment for 4/07/2023🚩 ✴️Botanical Survey of India (BSI) 👉H.Q.Location -  in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. 👉founded on - 13 February 1890, 👉 Ministries- Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change's organization . 👉Purpose -  survey, research and conservation of plant wealth of India, flora and endangered species of India, including by collecting and maintaining germplasm and  genebank of endangered,  patent and vulnerable plant species. 👉Type- central government 👉Region served- India 👉Parent organisation- Ministry of environment,forest and climate change ,GOI.

🚩Halla mountains🚩

🚩Halla mountains🚩 image source:- fork and foot  👉Hallasan 🔹 It is a shield volcano on Jeju Island in South Korea. 👉 Its summit, held at  1,947 m, 👉It  is the highest point in the country south korea. 👉The area around the mountain is a designated national park, 🔹the Hallasan National Park.  👉Its elevation is 🔹1,947 m 👉Location:  Jeju-do, South Korea . 👉Last eruption: 1007 CE ⚜️Provience 🔹Jeju-do.

🚩Amu Darya river

⏩ series.places in news 24/06/2023 image source :- {researchgate} 🚩Amu Darya, English Amu River, Tajik Daryoi Amu, Turkmen Amyderya, Uzbek Amudaryo, ancient name Oxus River, one of the longest rivers of Central Asia. 🟦ORIGINATION - The river is formed by the confluence of the Vakhsh and Panj (Pyandzh) rivers (at which point it becomes known as the Amu Darya) 🟫AREA COVERED - flows west-northwest in its upper course the Amu Darya forms part of Afghanistan’s northern border with ◾Tajikistan, ◾Uzbekistan, and ◾Turkmenistan then flows across the desert of eastern Turkmenistan and in its lower course forms part of the boundary between Uzbekistan to the northeast and Turkmenistan to the southwest. ✅The Amu Darya is 879 miles (1,415 km) long, but its length is 1,578 miles (2,540 km) if measured from the sources of its headstream, the Panj River, in the Pamirs 💠DRAIN- In the past the Amu Darya discharged into the Aral Sea, but the diversion of river water for agriculture in


🔴WHAT IS THE RIGHT TO HEALTH? 👉• Rural communities in India suffer from a significant lack of access to healthcare. This lack of access results in high rates of maternal mortality, infant mortality, and malnutrition, as well as low life expectancy and low vaccination rates. ✴️The WHO Constitution (1946) envisages “the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being .” o Fundamental Rights: Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees a fundamental right to life & personal liberty. The right to health is inherent to a life with dignity. ✴️o DPSP: Articles 38, 39, 42, 43, & 47 put the obligation on the state in order to ensure the effective realization of the right to health. 🚩o landmark judgment in Parmanand Katara Vs Union of India (1989), Supreme Court had ruled that every doctor whether at a government hospital or otherwise has the professional obligation to extend his services with due expertise for protecting life. 🔱The Chal

The Arctic Council

🚩Todays session mcq series. 🔶The Arctic Council is the leading intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, Arctic indigenous communities and other Arctic inhabitants on common Arctic issues. Image : TNPSC ✅Formation - The formation of Arctic Council can be traced in the establishment of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS) in 1991 as a framework for intergovernmental cooperation on environmental protection initiatives among the Arctic States including Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, and the United States. ✅Objective - The Arctic Council works as a consensus-based body to deal with issues such as the change in biodiversity, melting sea ice, plastic pollution and black carbon. 🔶Member countries and Org. ✅The Council has members, ad hoc observer countries and "permanent participants" Members of the Arctic Council: 🔹Ottawa Declaration declares 🔹Canada, the Kin

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

🔷Todays work 👉The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. ✅Formation - 1989 ✅Type - Intergovernmental ✅organisation ✅Purpose - Combat money laundering and terrorism financing ✅Headquarters -Paris, France ✅Region served -Europe ✅Membership -39 ✅President -T Raja Kumar

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

🚩 SERIES OF 21/06/2023🚩 🔶The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is a body of eight member states in Eastern Africa was created in 1996 to supersede the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) which was founded in 1986. 🟡Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda – took action through the United Nations to establish the intergovernmental body for development and drought control in their region. 🔷Eritrea became the seventh member after attaining independence in 1993 and 🟢in 2011 South Sudan joined IGAD as the eighth member state. 🔴(Eritrea is currently inactive). ✴Vision: A resilient, peaceful, prosperous and integrated region where citizens enjoy high quality of life 🕊Mission: Promote regional cooperation and integration to add value to Member States’ efforts in achieving peace, security, and prosperity. 🏹Goal: Transformation towards sustainable development, resilience and stability in the IGAD Region 🛡Theme: Transformat

🚩Yangtze or Yangzi river🚩

📍SERIES OF 21/06/2023📝 🔵As the water towers of Asia, the HKH region is the source of 10 major rivers: the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Salween, Mekong, Yangtze, Yellow, Amu Darya and Tarim. The Yangtze or Yangzi is the longest river in Eurasia, the third-longest in the world, and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country.       image source : research gate 🟡from which countries it flows? ✅The Yangtze river only runs through the country of China, though it begins in the Tibetan plains.. It is one of the only major rivers in the world to run through one nation. 🟡Where does the Yangtze River begin and end? ✅The Yangtze river begins in the Tibetan mountains at Mount Tanggula and courses the length of China from west to east. It ends at the East China Sea, near the city of Shanghai. 🟡Does the Yangtze River have another name? ✅The Yangtze is also called the Chang Jiang river in China, which translates to "long river." Other

Black Sea

🔷 series of 20/june/2023 ⏭️The Black Sea is connected to the Mediterranean Sea by two narrow straits, image source : wikipedia  ✅the Bosporus, which opens to the Sea of Marmara (Turkey), ✅and the Dardanelles Strait (Strait of Gallipoli), which connects to the Aegean Sea. From there, the Suez Canal through the Red Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar provide access to the major shipping lanes of the world's oceans.


🚩SDR (Special Drawing Rights) ✅It is an international reserve assets created by the IMF to supplement the official reserves of members countries. ✅The value of an SDR is based on a basket of five currencies. 👉British Pound - 8.09% 👉 Japanese Yen - 8.33% 👉Chinees Yuan -11% 👉Euro -31% 👉US Dollar - 41.73% 🚩The Part of the SDR is formed by:- 👉Chinese Renminbi 👉Japanese Yen 👉British Pound 👉Russian Rubal

🚩Khalasthani Insurgencies🚩

🚩Khalasthani Insurgencies🚩 👉The radical separatists spearheaded a bloody campaign to carve out an independent, theocratic Sikh state known as Khalistan (Land of the Pure) in Punjab and other parts of Northern India. 👉The increased insurgencies in canada of sikh community particularly the "so called" pro -Khalisthani Militants are creating the vandalism sistuations to obligate the indian diasphora to become a part of a separatist. 👉Ultimately their increased violations towards the citizens going against the millitants are creating the serious situations to the livelyhood of Indian Diasphora. The common people are becoming their prime victims of violence and insurgencies. ✴️Who is responsible for this situation. 👉The Millitants of Pro-khalisthanis who are funded for their terror attacts are responsible for these insurgencies which is creating the dreadful situation and also destroying the communal harmony of the common people. ✴️Security measures. 👉Rather than com


🚩 REGISTRAR GENERAL OF INDIA🚩 👉founded in 1961 by the Government of India under the Ministry of Home Affairs. 👉Formation-1961; 62 years ago 👉Headquarters - Jai Singh  Road New Delhi. 👉Registrar General & Census Commissioner 🔹Mritunjay Kumar Narayan, IAS🔹 Parent organisation - Ministry of Home Affairs, (GOI). 👉Functions - It arranges, conducts and analyses the results of the demographic surveys of India including the Census of India and Linguistic Survey of India. 👉Who appoints Registrar General of India? 📝The Central Government India Code: Section Details. (1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a person to be known as the Registrar-General, India. 👉What are the powers of Registrar? 📝"(1) The Registrar shall have the custody of the records of the Tribunal and shall exercise such other functions including weeding out of old records as may be assigned to him under these rules by the President." 11. Inserted by

Africa Asia Growth Corridor {AAGC}

🚩 1/07/2023🚩 image source : AAGC ✴️AAGC ✅It stands for Africa Asia Growth Corridor Program ✅It is a study jointly produced by the Research Institutions of India and Japan in consultation with other Asian and African " Think Tanks ". ✅It envisages the close engagement between India and Africa for "Sustainable and Innovative development which will be anchored on four pillers. ⚜️Development Coperation Projects. ⚜️Quality Infrastructure and Institutional Connectivity. ⚜️Enhancing Capacities and skills. ⚜️People to people Partnership. ✴️ Special Focus on the Africa,India, South east asia ,east asia and oceania. 📝Q.2 What is India -Africa Summit? How many times it has happened and why it has not been held after the 3rd summit . ✅India-Africa Summit is a forum to re-initiate and reboot relation between India and African countries. ✅Till now 3 summits has been organised they are:- 👉1. Started from 2008 with  New Delhi as its 1st venue. 👉2. Second w

Palindaba treaty and ITEC

✴️Palindaba Treaty✴️ 👉It stands for African Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty. 👉It stablishes a nuclear weapon free zone in africa. 👉The treaty was signed in 1996 and came into effect in july 2009. 👉It aims at preventing nuclear proliferation and preventing strategic minerals of Africavfrom being exported fully. 👉The NPT non signatories member parties are prohibited to come in bilateral agreements. 👉In 2016 Nambia critisized the treaty of palindaba for disallowing Namibia to trade Uranium to India because India is not a member of NPT. ✴️NPT👉Non Proliferation Treaty is an intergovernmental treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapon and weapons technology. 📝Q. 4 what is  ITEC ? ✅ ITEC is the Indian Technical Economic Program.which was instituted by a decision of the Indian Cabinet on 15th sep 1964 as a bilateral program of assistance of the government of India. 👉Purpose- It was set up in belief that "It is necessary to establish relation of mu

✴️🚩United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).👉

🚩What do you understand by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). ✅The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) was established in order to make the world a place without the dangers of Drug Abuse and the crimes following it. ✅It was formed in 1997 as the Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention by combining two UN offices. ✅It was renamed to its current name in 2002. ✅It was established chiefly to aid the United Nations in addressing the issues of illicit drug trafficking, drug abuse, prevention of crime and criminal justice, political corruption and international terrorism, in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. ✅ Functions-  Research and Policy Analysis 👉World Drug Report 👉Surveys to Monitor Illicit Crops 👉Regional Crime Studies  👉Policy Reviews ✅Normative Activities [Conventions] 👉Anti-Drug Conventions 👉Conventions against Organized Crime [UNTOC] 👉Conventions against Corruption [UNCAC] 🚩Some extra bites 🚩 ✴️Colombo Declaration✴️ 🔱In 2016, 18

🚩UNHCR(The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees )🚩

🚩What do you understand by UNHCR?write in 150 words. 👉UNHCR(The United Nations High    Commissioner for Refugees )is the UN Refugee agency providing the primary support to the refugees to live a dignified life. 👉 objective - to save and build better future for millions of people forced to flee their home. 👉Special occasion -  Recently "The world Refugees Day" was celebrated on 20th june 2023 based on the theam - "Hope Away From Home". 👉Key facts- According to the report of UNHCR Global Trends . Which is published annually has published its report on 14th june 2023  -  ✅around 108.4 million people world wide were forcibly displaced by the end of 2022. ✅60 million people were internally displaced from their origin. ✅5.2 million -Asylum seekers ✅5.2 million in need of international protection. 👉 Population statistics display  ✴️syrian arab republuc - 6.8 million ✴️Ukrain- 5.7 million ✴️ Afghanistan - 5.7 million. 👉Thus It perfectly fits here as “Injustice anywhe

📝Straits of Ukrain

🚩Series of 27/06/2024🚩 📝Straits of Ukrain Image :- new york post ⏭️The Kerch Strait. ✅It is a strait in Eastern Europe. It connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov,  ✅separating the Kerch Peninsula of Crimea in the west from the Taman Peninsula of Russia's Krasnodar Krai in the east. ✅ The strait is 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) to 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) wide and up to 18 metres (59 ft) deep. ✅The most important harbor, the Crimean city of Kerch, gives its name to the strait, formerly known as the Cimmerian Bosporus.  ✅It has also been called the Straits of Yenikale after the Yeni-Kale fortress in Kerch.

🚩Nile River🚩

⚜️ Series Question⚜️ ⏭️ What is the origin and drainage point of Nile river. ✴️which festival is cebrated here based on Indian culture? image source :- wikipedia ✴️The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea. ✴️ The Nile is the longest river in Africa and has historically been considered the longest river in the world, though this has been contested by research suggesting that the Amazon River is slightly longer. ✴️Length: 6,650 km ✴️Discharge: 2,830 m³/s ✴️Mouth: Mediterranean Sea ✴️Sources: Blue Nile River, White Nile, Atbarah ✴️Countries: Egypt, Sudan ✴️Cities: Cairo, Khartoum, Jinja, Juba ✴️Bridges: Qasr El Nil Bridge, 6 October Bridge, Jinja Nile Bridge, Imbaba Bridge ✴️ Importance : Every aspect of life in Egypt depended on the river – the Nile provided food and resources, land for agriculture, a means of travel, and was critical in the transportation of materials for building projects and other large-

🚩⚜️Who are PIO and OCI?🚩

🚩 Session of 26/june/2023⤵️ ⚜️Who are PIO and OCI? ✅There are over 30 million overseas Indians living abroad and the remittance of close to 69 billion dollars annually by overseas Indians. They can be categorised in three broad categories - NRIs, PIOs and OCIs. A Non-Resident Indian (NRI) is a citizen of India who has temporarily emigrated to another country for six months. ✅PIOs and OCI card holders are not citizens but people who want to stay connected and involved with India more closely. ✅The PIO card was first implemented in 2002 as a benefit to foreign nationals who could establish at least a third generation tie to Indian origin. ✅The OCI card was implemented in 2005, carried more benefits than the PIO card, and is valid for the holder’s lifetime. 🚩In 2015, the PIO scheme was withdrawn by the Government of India and was merged with the OCI. 🔱Some extra information ⚜️ 👉The Government of India via Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2015 merged the Person of Indian Origin (P


📝SERIES OF 23/06/2023 ✅Rural communities in India suffer from a significant lack of access to healthcare. This lack of access results in high rates of maternal mortality, infant mortality, and malnutrition, as well as low life expectancy and low vaccination rates. 🔱The WHO Constitution (1946) envisages “the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being .” ✅ Fundamental Rights: Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees a fundamental right to life & personal liberty. The right to health is inherent to a life with dignity. ✅ DPSP: Articles 38, 39, 42, 43, & 47 put the obligation on the state in order to ensure the effective realization of the right to health. 🚩 landmark judgment in Parmanand Katara Vs Union of India (1989), Supreme Court had ruled that every doctor whether at a government hospital or otherwise has the professional obligation to extend his services with due expertise for protecting life. 🟠The Challenges an

🚩Tropical Cyclones🚩

image source:- encyclopedia Britannica 📌Tropical Cyclones 1. Tropical cyclones are named according to the rules at regional level. 2. In the Atlantic and in the Southern hemisphere (Indian ocean and South Pacific), tropical cyclones receive names in alphabetical order, and women and men's names are alternated. Nations in the Northern Indian ocean began using a new system for naming tropical cyclones in 2000; 3. the names are listed alphabetically country wise, and are neutral gender wise. 4.  The common rule is that the name list is proposed by the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of WMO Members of a specific region, and approved by the respective tropical cyclone regional bodies at their annual/biannual sessions. 📌Tropical Cyclone Bhola, which hit  Bangladesh on 12 November 1970, remains the deadliest tropical cyclone on record. It caused the death of between 300 000 and 500 000 people. The tragedy prompted international action

🚩Defence corridor of India 🚩

⏭️Q.1. Where is the defence corridor of India located? Image source:- google ⏭️Defence Industrial Corridor of UP: It is an aspirational project that intends to reduce foreign dependency of the Indian Aerospace & Defence Sector. ✅It will have 6 nodes – Aligarh, Agra, Kanpur, Chitrakoot, Jhansi and Lucknow. ⏭️Tamil Nadu Defence Industrial Corridor It comprises Chennai, Tiruchirappalli, Coimbatore, Salem and Hosur. ✅ It will create new defence production facilities and promote clusters with necessary testing and certification facilities, export facilitation centres, technology transfer facilitation, etc. ✅The corridor was inaugurated in 2019. 🚩Some extra bites🚩👉⤵️ ✅The government has established another Defence Industrial Corridor in Tamil Nadu. ✅A defence corridor refers to a route or a path along which domestic productions of defence equipment by public sector, private sector and MSMEs are lined up to enhance the operational capability of the defence forces. 🚩Signifi

🚩✴️All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)✴️🚩

🔶Q. What is AISHE and Who release the report on AISHE. ✅All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) ⚜️When - The ministry of education started AISHE in 2010-11. ⚜️ Purpose-  to build a robust database and assess the correct condition of higher education in the country. ⚜️Authority- Ministry of Education releases All India Survey on Higher Education(AISHE). ⚜️Benifits- ✴️3 Cs of Policy making in education system ie., Conviction,creditability, collaboration. ✴️Prism of the students trust on educational policies. 👉 Statistical report-  📝 Enrollment in higher education increased to 4.14 crore, crossing the 4 crore mark for first time; increase of 7.5% from 2019-20 and 21% from 2014-15 📝 Female enrollment reaches 2 crore mark, increase of 13 Lakh from 2019-20 📝 Significant increase of 28% in enrolment of SC students and 38% in enrolment of Female SC Students in 2020-21, compared to 2014-15. 👉Loopholes-  ✴️Only 12.3% Indian institute participates in it so what about the other institut

Minerals Security Partnership (MSP)

🔴MSP ⚜️Why In News? 👉Recently, India has shown interest in joining the USA-led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP).  ✴️Key facts 👉 ✅Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) is a US-led partnership initiative that aims to bolster critical mineral supply chains. ✅The new grouping is aimed at catalysing investment from governments and the private sector to develop strategic opportunities. 🚩The US and 10 partners — 🔹Australia, 🔹Canada,🔹 Finland🔹, France,🔹Germany, 🔹Japan, 🔹the Republic of Korea (South Korea),🔹 Sweden,🔹 the United Kingdom, and🔹 the European Commission — have come together🤝 to form the 👉MSP.  🔱Significance 👉Critical minerals: 📝Demand for critical minerals, which are essential for clean energy and other technologies, is projected to expand significantly in the coming decades.  📝The MSP will help catalyse investment from governments and the private sector for strategic opportunities — across the full value chain — that adhere to the highest environmental, social,

🔴Saidra River

Image source :- researchgate 🔴Saidra River  🔱How it got its name? ✅Haora River The Haora River streams through Agartala in India. Also, Haora River is the main river that streams in the Sadar sub-sector of the Western Region of Tripura. ✅ The real residents of the state call the 🔹Haora River 👉Saidra in Kokborok.  ✅This is what makes it unique especially with the feel of culture and a natural sense of peace. 🔱Origin and drainage 👉 ✅The Haora River comes from the hills called Boromura in the central part of Tripura and streaming through the foothills passing through significant towns such as Champaknagar, Jirania, Khumulwng, Khayerpur and the main capital Agartala.  ✅It goes to come together with the well-known Padma river of Bangladesh journeying the worldwide boundary. 🚩 Some Extra bite- 👉The Haora River is one of the largest rivers of India. Its chief tributaries are the Tripura and the Padma. 👉 Haora River is the support of the city Agartala due to the fact that,

🔶 Facts about Tam Pà Ling Cave⤵️

Image Source:- IAS GYAN⬆️ 🔴Why in news? 👉 Recently in Tam Pa Ling Cave in northern Laos, a team of researchers during excavating at Tam Pà Ling caves found evidence of Homo sapiens of earlier times. 🔴Facts 👉 ✅It is a sloping cave situated high in the Annamite mountain range in Northern Laos. ✅The stratigraphy of the site indicates formation by periodic slope wash deposition from the muddy slope at the entrance of the cave.